Friday, March 9, 2012

Fit to Judge

Title: Fit to Judge
by Catt Kingsgrave
Rating: Spicy, with Opinions and swear words.
Wordcount: 671
Genre: Lyric poetry
Author's notes: One too many Limbaugh apologists, and Clue goes off like a grenade. Pull the pin and watch her spin off like a ten-clawed quisinart of sarcastic death.
Feedback: Pet meeeee!
Linking/reposting: Sure, with credit. Just ask first, and send me a link.
Tips: If you're motivated, yes please. paypal knows how to find me.

Fit to Judge
by Catt Kingsgrave

You hear a lot, these days, about what folks are doing wrong
And every two bit pundit adds a chorus to the same old song
How that one’s wicked, that one’s wrong, and this one’s just plain sick
And not one single word on what it is that makes them tick
No single scrap of reason over just what it could be
Makes the ‘wicked,’ ‘wrong,’ and ‘sick’ feel that’s the best path they could see.
And when the likes of me are getting sloshed with righteous wrath,
It kinda makes me want to kick your skinny, privileged ass and tell you,

You ain’t fit to judge me, mister; you ain’t fit to know.
You never tried to put your foot into my shoe and walk, and so
You’ve no idea the time it takes to get a mile along
No, you ain’t fit to say you think I’m wrong!

So you don’t like my birth control, and you don’t like my choice
And you bible-swear your jihad is to be the unborn’s voice.
You call me slut and murderess, and filthy, lazy whore
But ‘welfare queen’s’ your name for those with kids they can’t afford!
And funny thing about it, is a rapist don’t much care
About a victim’s birth control, nor what he sires there.
So you can have the aspirin I won’t keep between my knees
And you know where to stick it when you find my choice don’t please

You ain’t fit to judge me, sister; you ain’t fit to bitch
You never had to see how far my paycheck has to stretch
You ain’t the one who works three jobs and still can’t get along
So you ain’t fit to say my choosing’s wrong!

So you don’t like my BMI; my waistline make you sick
You sling out ‘lardass,’ ‘slob,’ ‘obese,’ then snigger like a prick
My attitude ain’t suitable, cause I don’t seem ashamed
Nor hate myself enough for the unsightliness you’ve named
And when I strut, or when I dance, or I laugh right in your face
You’ll all but bust a vein trying to put me in ‘my place’
But there’s a million different factors in each metabolic play
And you look like an asshole when you claim the one true way

You ain’t fit to judge me, cousin; you ain’t fit to preach
Some fad you heard on Oprah don’t give you the right to teach
Your self-loathing to the masses with your privilege perched on top
No, you ain’t fit to be my fitness cop!

You don’t have to like my haircut, you don’t have to like my jeans
You don’t have to like my politics, my sex life, or my dreams.
My religion’s not your business, who I love is not your say
But this Christ you claim to speak for had some words, back in the day,
Bout camels, eyes of needles, and a miser’s heaven odds,
How Faith was not for sale, and what was Caesar’s was not God’s
And just who would do the judging when the run of life was through
And that book is pretty clear; the final say don’t fall to you

Cause you ain’t fit to judge me, neighbor; you ain’t fit to throw
A single stone at folks like me, cause deep inside, you know
You and I, we ain’t so different, and your sins weigh just as much
And your moral high-ground soapbox is tilting a bit much

No, you ain’t fit to judge me, but just set that gavel by
And listen when you listen, don’t just plan your next reply
I bet you lunch between us we can find some common sense
Once we cut through all the bullshit
and the rhetoric and dogma
And the soundbyte blame and ugly names
And finger-pointing quagmires
And the shock jocks and the stooges
And the lobbyists and scrooges
And act as if there’s more between the two of us
Alike, than difference.
But that’s just my two cents.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's Arisia time again!!!

Yerp! It's that time of year again -- the time when Catt can do little more than sew, pack, fret, and talk about her panel schedule!

So let's get the schedule out of the way, shall we?

5:30 -- Corsets, Hoops, & Other Undergarments: That'll be as it says on the label, I'm pretty sure. For myself, I'll be bringing scans, and a Very Fluffy Bustle. I'll leave the corsets to other folks this time.
7:00 -- The Exiled Character: Again, what it says on the tin. Only they've writ me in as the Moderator for this panel, so you never know what I'll get up to once the power goes to my head. (Note to self: have div-head look up the word 'moderation' in dictionary AFTER the con! Also, no bodies!)

I'll be doing lots of hanging out on Friday, seeing as how I'm not scheduled to the wall this time. So; wanna hook up?* Drop me a comment. Also, there will most likely be filking that night. BeCAUSE; that's why!

11:30 am -- Character Building: This is in the writing track, so y'all can expect to hear me espousing the virtues of Stanislavsky Character Writing Method. I'm just like that.
1:00 pm -- Magickal Traditions: A Review: I'll be there representing the 'Make Shite Up' tradition...
5:30 pm -- Sexual Harassment and Assault in Fandom: We'll be going over what it is, what it looks like when it presents itself in fandom, and what to do about it, whether you're the target, or a bystander. Or a perpetrator.
10:00 pm -- Mud and Blood: The Grittier Side of Fantasy: This will be where I express what an utterly FILTHY place the past was.

Again, probably there will be filking. But there might also be dancing, or possibly hooking up/hanging out in the bar, depending on DJ, bartender, and potential flirt-targets.

12:pm - 2:pm -- I'll be manning the Back Up Project table. For those of you who don't know what the Back Up Project is, come find me at the table, and I'll explain it.
2:30 pm -- Use Your Words: Dialogoue, Prose, and Tone: Another writer's craft panel. And again, pretty much what it sounds like on the label. No sparse prose for me, thank you!
7:00 pm -- READING! I'll be doing a selection from One Saved To The Sea, which will be coming out from Circlet Press sometime this coming year. Spring. I'm going to say it'll be out in the Spring. I'll let you know if I'm mistaken.
10:00 pm -- Fan Etiquette: How Not to Be *That* Fan: We know him, we fear him, and sometimes, despite the best of our intentions, we are him. Come hear us discuss the field identification notes for *That* Fan. I predict highlarious and slightly skeevy stories.
11:30 pm -- "No Sh*t, There I Was!": Oral Storytelling: Who in the world put this panel so late? Ah well. Assuming the panelists and/or audience shows up, we'll have a good time anyhow.

No filking for me on Sunday night, I fear. Instead, I expect there will be sleep, because I have a panel to be at on...

10:00 am -- Collaborating Couples: Working with the one you fuck, and not killing them. Yeah, it's about that.
11:30 am -- Setting as Character: From Hogwarts, to the House, there are fantastic places that drive the plot as much as any characters within them. There will be a quiz afterward, to see who can correctly spell Gormenghast.
2:30 pm -- Mainstream Fiction for Fen: Again, they're giving me the Button! The Shiny! Red! CANDYLIKE! BUTTON!!!

After that, I go home.

Now, the rules:

* If you're going to touch me, arm, shoulder, waist, or anywhere, make sure and get my attention first. This will make it less likely that I'll swing on you in alarm. My purse is heavy, my elbows sharp, and I get hypervigilant in crowded public situations. I will be sorry I hit you afterward, but I'm sure we'd both rather you didn't get hit at all.

* I like flirting. It's fun, and I'm quite good at it. However, I do not do hookups. At all. I will flirt like a pub-wench, but that does not mean I'm going to get naked with you, or, in fact, with anyone whom I do not know quite well. If we have amazing chemistry, then I'll really enjoy getting to know you, and going on several dates before the topic of pantslessness will even be set onto the table. I am bi, poly, and kinky, but I am NOT easy.

* If I'm brusque, snappish, or rude to you, please just call my attention to it, and ask what I meant before getting hurt, if at all possible. I might be having a sugar crash, I might be quietly freaking out about too many people and not enough space, and I might just be having a case of Sagittarius hoof-in-mouth disease, and not have realized whereon I trod. It happens. I would far rather set something like that straight at once than have to circle back through a months-old welter of hurt feelings to figure out what happened and apologize.

* If you want to sing with me, have a drink with me, hang out with me, or fansquee with me, by all means do so! That's what cons are for.

* It's ok if you step on my train. Everybody does it. No, really. Everybody.

* Yes, you may take pictures of me when I'm in the halls in costume, or when I'm sitting on a panel. No, you may NOT take pictures of me when I'm eating, or drinking, or making out with someone. Please be courteous with your cameras.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Book review; The Victorian Underworld

The Victorian UnderworldThe Victorian Underworld by Donald Thomas

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This might actually be the very best writer's resource for the Victorian period in England I have ever encountered. Western literature is stuffed full of depictions of the glamorous upper class, but the depictions of the middle and lower classes are reliably shallow, and often quite poorly thought out. This book, based on the social work of Mr. Mayhew, who went amoung the poor and the criminal classes and recorded, in their own words, their answers to his interview questions, reflects a much richer, and more nuanced reality of the society upon which the 'literary Victorian' society was balanced.

This book illustrates the underclasses' strata of rankings, describes how they perceived themselves in the mews and rookeries of pre-blitz London. It has chapters on pornography and prostitution, thieves and beggars, crooked police, prisons and punishment, and epic swindles that put one instantly in mind of modern Wall Street. Any reader who is at all salient on the points of current affairs in the West will find a wealth of eerie similarities between the political and social environment of the later 1800's and today.

I recommend this book without reserve, however I will give the caveat that it's excellent for nibbling upon as one has a taste for it, as opposed to a face-hugging book. However, seeing as how it's a history sampler and a reference book, this is entirely forgivable in my scoring system.

View all my reviews